[mythtvnz] MythTV integration

Open Media Support mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Mon, 14 Aug 2006 13:00:35 +1200 (NZST)

> I've just setup a nice MythTV integration that allows me to use external
> applications like yammi for MP3s, etc, and still do it all from the
> remote control.  (I never tried knoppmyth so I don't know what they've
> done and can't compare at this stage).
> MythTV is great, for what it does.
> However, when it comes to playing MP3s, or browsing the web, why oh why
> use plugins?  The music plugin is OK, but it's not as great as some
> other programs out there... for instance, I'm a big fan of yammi.   And
> the web plugin is abysmal... I'd much rather just pop up firefox.
> But I don't want to yank out the keyboard and mouse to do it.  I still
> want to control my box via remote control (except for web browsing).
> And I've got these great remote buttons that have been unused:  "TV",
> "Music", "Video", Go", "Radio", etc.  If I press "Music" on my remote, I
> want to be taken to yammi, regardless of what program I'm in the middle
> of.   If I press TV, I want to be taken to MythTV...  If I press Video,
> I want to be taken to xine.  If I press Go, I want firefox to take over.

You can get all of these to work with a standard Knoppmyth install. Our
myPVR units have a customer lircrc file and MythTV Keymap that means that
they work as expected.

Whilst I agree that the webplugin is dreadful, it is no good using the web
on a standard CRT anyway. I'm assuming you have a plasma or LCD TV?

Music wise the MythMusic plug in is basic but enough for most people.
