[LUUG Publicity] LUUG Thursday 29th March

Andrew Findlay Andrew.Findlay@skills-1st.co.uk
Tue, 27 Mar 2001 22:53:05 +0100

   			The LUUG Lectures

    		  UKUUG - London Unix User Group

    Thursday 29th March 2001, 19:00-ish

    No lecture this month, so more time for discussion of Life, Unix,
    Everything. Meet at the Rising Sun around 19:00, and move on for

    Lectures wanted!

    LUUG is always on the lookout for interesting talks on subjects
    to Unix, Networking, Open Source, Security and so on. Can you
    someone who could give us a talk? Perhaps volunteer yourself?

    SuSE have generously donated a copy of their 7.1 Professional
    distribution to LUUG, which will be awarded to the first person to
    (or be) a speaker for us.


    The Association of Independent Computer Specialists are holding a
    on Linux on the evening of 3rd April. Details are below. The venue
    an imposing place, so this might be a good one to invite a doubting
    boss along to!

    The LUUG lectures are sponsored by the UK Unix systems User Group.

    For further information on LUUG Lectures, contact Andrew Findlay:
    01628 782565

Here's that map again:

			      |   |  Euston      |   |               | B |
      |   |                   |   |  Square   ^  |   |               | e
      |   |                   |   |  Tube     |  |   |               | d
      | C |                   |   |              |   |               | f
      | h |            Goodge |   |              |   |               | o
      | a |            Street=3D| T |              | G |               | =
      | r |             Tube  | o |              | o |               | d
      | l |               =3D   | t |              | w |               | =

      | o |-------------------| t |              | e |     Institute | W
      | t |  Goodge Street    | e |              | r |        of     | a
      | t |-------------------| n |              |   |     Education | y
      | e |                   | h |              | S |               |  =

      |   |Fitzroy      Rising| a |              | t |               |  =

      | S |Tavern          Sun| m |              | r |               |  =

      | t |-------------------|   |--------------| e |               |  =

      | r |  Windmill Street  | C | Store Street | e |        --------  =

      | e |-------------------| o |--------------| t |        |
      | e |                   | u |              |   |        | =

      | t |                   | r |              |   |        |  Russel
      |   |                   | t |              |   |        |  Tube
  ||  |   |-------------------|   |---------------   |---------
  ||  |   |  Percy Street     | R |Bayly St.         |Montague Pl.
  ||  |   |-------------------| o |-----.            |---------
  ||--|   |                   | a |     |  Bedford   |        |  Russel
  |---|   |            Cinema | d |     |  Square    |        |
      |   |                   |   |     |            |       =

      |   |                   |   |     |            |
      |   |                   |   |     ----------   |
		  Tottenham   |   |              |   |
		    Court     |   |              |   |
		    Road   |  |   |              |   |
		    Tube   V  |   |              |   |

-- =

|                 From Andrew Findlay, Skills 1st Ltd                 |
| Consultant in large-scale systems, networks, and directory services |
|        Andrew.Findlay@skills-1st.co.uk       +44 1628 782565        |

To: LUUG & UKUUG             From: Steve Cumbers
Re: Linux Meeting            Date: 2001 March 26 Monday

Linux at NLC 2001 April 03 Tuesday 6:30pm

Talk on Linux + Finger Buffet & Drinks
under one roof in a splendid venue
all for =A325

Please register with
Bob Brooks, Hon Secretary AICS


Steve Cumbers
Director, Apollo Consulting
Vice President, Institution of Analysts & Programmers
Chairman, Association of Independent Computer Specialists
The next AICS quarterly meeting will be held at 18.30 for 19.00 on
Tuesday =

3rd April, 2001. The meeting will take place at the National Liberal
Club, =

Whitehall Place, London SW1 - nearest tube is Embankment.

Rob Bracken, Bracken Software Limited, will give a presentation entitled =

"What's so great about Linux?"

The talk will cover the following areas:

1. What is Linux (and what is a Linux distribution)?
2. Why is it important?
3. How do you get it?
4. What do you need to run it?
5. How do you integrate it with Windows?
6. How do you make money from it?
7. A few demonstrations..

After the talk there will be a finger buffet and drinks, with the =

opportunity to discuss and ask questions. The all inclusive cost will be =

just 20pds for members, 25pds for non-members (VAT incl). Members may =

bring one guest at the member price.

If you intend to come, do please email me in advance - we need to
finalise =

the numbers for catering purposes about a week beforehand. Payment on
the =

night by cash, or cheque made payable to AICS. Receipted VAT invoice on =

the night.

Bob Brooks
Hon Secretary AICS