[IEE EC3 News] Lecture reminder - How Ships Navigate - 22 February 2018

Bill Pechey bpechey at cix.compulink.co.uk
Sun Feb 18 15:54:19 GMT 2018

Dear Colleague,

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I have appended the details of our next lecture and hope to see you

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Best wishes,

Bill Pechey
IET Thames Valley Specialised Section


How Ships Navigate

Kim Fisher – Secretary IEC TC80

Thursday 22 Feb 2018. 19.00 for 19.30

mPalmer Building, University of Reading RG6 6UR

Merchant Ships travel the world and this involves interacting with ships of other
nations and being accepted by other Governments when in their waters. This
results in ships being required to carry an internationally agreed suite of
navigation equipment. In this talk the presenter will describe this navigation
equipment requirement for Merchant Ships
The presenter has a background in the committees of the International
Maritime Organization, has worked for the Maritime and Coastguard Agency
and is currently the secretary of Technical Committee 80 (Maritime navigation
and radiocommunication equipment and systems) of the International
Electrotechnical Commission.

This event is free of charge and open to all, with refreshments at 19.00, lecture at 19:30.

Contact: Prof Richard Mitchell rjmitchell at theiet.org


For directions please visit http://www.reading.ac.uk/about/find/about-findindex.aspx

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