[HTS-members] Life emerging from lockdown

HTS Secretary secretary at taplowsociety.org.uk
Thu May 6 13:20:51 BST 2021

Dear Members

As the country is slowly coming out of restrictions there are a number of
things to look forward to now.

Tidy Up Taplow
Last year we were unable to run this contribution to Keep Britain Tidy but
we are planning to run it this year, although on a necessarily more modest
scale with no tea and biscuits

Sunday June 6th 10:00 to 12:00 at the Village Hall Car Park. We will provide
litter pickers jackets and rubbish bags and receive full bags in the corner
of the car park to be collected by the council. Additionally some guidance
notes on safe practice.

There has been a most welcome increase in walking habits resulting from the
pandemic restrictions which we hope will continue but it has led to an
increase in litter around Taplow. It will be great to see people out and
about starting up communal activities and freshening up Taplow ready for the
full release of restrictions later in the year. Do please join us!

The Village Green Party
We intend to run this on July 3rd, subject to government guidance remaining
as it is. We will take the decision at our May committee meeting on the 17th
and will then let you know ticketing arrangements etc. So fingers crossed
that the easing of the pandemic continues as expected.


Hedsor House
The Gardens & Park will be opened in aid of the NSPCC on Sunday 23rd May

The Newsletter
We are sorry to say that Nigel Smales has decided to stand down as editor
after many years. Nigel has produced a series of outstanding editions and
the Society has been fortunate to have been able to offer such an
informative and entertaining magazine. Our enormous thanks to Nigel for
this. I am of course sure that we have not seen the last of his
contributions, not least on the Taplow of yesteryears.
It means of course that we need to find new blood to continue to issue our
newsletter. So if you have any interests in recording the life and times of
Taplow, persuading others to do the same or would simply like to write a
contribution do please do more than just think about it. Call me or any
committee member.

Mammoth Films Donation
We are discussing whether their £500 donation should be simply added to
reserves or allocated to some specific project. Any suggestions welcomed.

Civic Societies
The Civic Voice organisation makes many effective representations to
government on matters of interest to Civic Societies such as ourselves. They
are in particular working to create an All Party Parliamentary Group for
Civic Societies and we have written to our MP Joy Morrissey asking her if
she will support this effort. We see this as important as present government
policy is leading to planning legislation that significantly reduces the
opportunities for communities to contribute to Local Plans and planning

Best wishes

Roger Worthington, Secretary HTS


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