[HTS-members] An important consultation

HTS Secretary secretary at taplowsociety.org.uk
Thu Mar 18 10:18:35 GMT 2021

I apologise that we didn't pick up on this consultation earlier until Robert
Hanbury brought it to our attention.  Responses need to be made by end of
Monday 22nd March.


The consultation is from Bucks County over the definition of how they will
handle all planning processes. This is an area under great threat from the
government plans in the White Paper "Planning for the Future" which we
criticised earlier. Those plans involve severe curtailment of public (and
Local Authority) involvement in the planning processes which should concern
all of us.  Our response to this consultation should be seen in that light.


Our response is attached and the consultation itself is at:


Please give urgent thought to making a similar comment as numbers count in a
consultation. Consultations are less sensitive that planning objections to
worries over identically worded objections so you are fairly free to use our
words as needed.


Roger Worthington, Secretary HTS


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