[HTS-members] An appeal and updates

Roger roger at worthingtonia.co.uk
Mon Jun 11 20:38:11 BST 2018

An appeal and updates

Will you help?
Remembrance is part of the soul of our nation. It defines us that, right
across the country, people of all ages gather in significant numbers on
Remembrance Sunday to pay their respects to those who have given their lives
in our nation's name.

Taplow's War Memorial at St Nicolas' Church was first the focus of
Remembrance on 11th November 1923. It was funded by public subscription.
Everyone contributed from our three major landowners - the Astors, the
Grenfells and the Whitlaws - to paupers and widows on frugal pensions. It
defines our community that, generations later, almost 300 people gather
around it in silence every Remembrance Sunday. 

Sadly but not surprisingly at 95 years old, our War Memorial is now in need
of repair. Taplow Parish Council will allocate £2,000 from its Legacy Fund
towards the total cost of £3,362. The Hitcham & Taplow Society has agreed to
coordinate efforts to raise a further £1,362. If you are willing and able to
contribute so we can have the repairs completed by Remembrance Sunday this
coming November, you can do so in three ways:

1) Send a cheque with 'War Memorial' written on the reverse to the Society's
Treasurer Robert Hanbury at Hitcham Tithe Barn, Hitcham Lane, Burnham SL1

2) Send an online payment to the Society's current account [Barclays Bank
Leicester LE87 2AB sort code 20-78-58 account 70491349] referenced

3) Make a cash contribution at the Village Green Party or to any of the
Society's Committee.

Summer fun time
It will soon be Village Green Party time! Saturday 23rd from 6pm. Do please
get your tickets early – it really helps with our catering and organising
The raffle is in aid of the Cricket Club, who would appreciate any prizes
you might be able to donate.

The next week end (Saturday 30th) there is the Combined Fete for St Nicolas
Church, School and Playgroup, again on the Village Green.

Followed later in the year by the Dog Show!

Planning items
Mill Lane Gastro-pub
Application 18/00746/FUL  has been made for the gastro-pub on the Mill Lane
development. We are supportive of this.
Station footbridge
Application 18/00917/MISC has been made to erect the new footbridge at
Taplow Station. This will have lifts and disabled access and extend to the
south car park. Earlier intention was to only connect to platforms 3 and 4
but pressure from us and other bodies has secured the extension. We are also
hopeful that a suggestion of ours will be implemented. This is for a
pedestrian access from Approach Road to the platform at the foot of the
bridge. This would greatly shorten the walk for travellers coming from
Station or Institute Roads. Should know by end of June if this is feasible.
The bridge is highly functional but does not exactly sit harmoniously on the
Victorian station.


Roger Worthington, Secretary

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