[HTS-members] Possible local scam

Roger roger at worthingtonia.co.uk
Sat May 13 14:01:13 BST 2017

I thought I should alert you to this incident reported on NEXTDOOR, as it
may well be repeated locally.


My daughter and her boyfriend were driving along Berry Hill last night
towards Cliveden in the dark when they had to brake very hard to avoid a
single large traffic cone placed in the centre of their side of the road. My
daughter had driven along the same road several times earlier in the day and
there were no road works. 

Less than a minute later a car with headlights ablaze tried to harass my
daughter and her boyfriend in her car by driving dangerously close and
trying to force them off the road. Luckily my daughter has heard about this
scam before, when criminals will put traffic cones or other objects such as
prams in the middle of the road, make you stop (when it is dark) and then
rob you. A minute or two later, she pulled into the Feathers pub opposite
the main entrance to Cliveden and the car sped off. Unfortunately being so
shocked, she did not have an opportunity to take down the number plate of
the car. 

If it had been me, I would have stopped to remove the dangerous traffic cone
from the road, not realising that this could have been a setup. So please be
aware of this potential scam and make sure you don't get robbed.


Roger Worthington, Secretary

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