[HTS-members] Hitcham and Taplow needs a little help

Roger roger at worthingtonia.co.uk
Wed May 4 19:20:36 BST 2016

Dear Members


Usually, mails from the Society give you information on Society activities
or tell you about things of local interest.

This time we are looking for a bit of help.



Our treasurer wishes to resign due to other work commitments and so we are
looking for a new person. The work load is not too onerous - a dozen cheques
a year, twenty paying in events and reconciling the monthly statement, which
is dominated by subscription payments from our nearly 200 members, a growing
proportion of which are standing orders. The busiest time is around the
Village Green Party in June. The Society is not a registered charity.

Ideally the task would be combined with that of membership secretary but
these tasks can be separated. 

If you might be interested, or know someone who might be, please call me for
more information.

As a follow up to this we also need someone prepared to act as internal
auditor for the annual financial report made at the AGM, early December.



We have run the Village Green Party for thirty years and amongst other
things, we provide a level of first aid support.  This has typically been
provided by St Johns Ambulance or other commercial or semi-commercial
organisations but has become increasingly expensive to the point where it is
a significant expense of the day. We have never experienced any significant
medical incidents. We believe it will be entirely adequate if we can staff
with experienced first aiders (as was done for the Queens 90th Beacon
event). There is a room available at the Village Hall for recovery from any
minor bumps or sprains.

So if anyone with some training would be prepared to volunteer we would be
very grateful. Again, call me for more information, please.


Roger Worthington, Secretary



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