[HTS-members] A great Village Green Party!

Roger roger at worthingtonia.co.uk
Sun Jun 21 16:46:13 BST 2015

Truly a splendid Village Green Party. The vast number dancing the evening to
a close and the crowd watching in awe tells its own story. Taplow was not
going to allow the early rain to dilute its annual feast of pure enjoyment.


Thank you Al Hill and Miv Wayland for the superlative organisation in the
days before, all through the day and the night and on the morning after and
a special thank you to your teams of strong and willing helpers for
preparing the green, erecting the tents, manning the 12 hour ox-roasting,
barbecuing the sausages and hamburgers, serving the eagerly waiting crowds,
and the cleaning-up of the green and the packing away of the tents next


Karl Lawrence

Chairman, Hitcham and Taplow Society




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