[HTS-members] A chance to join the clear-up-the- litter initiiative.

Karl Lawrence karlnuman at supanet.com
Sun Mar 10 14:36:24 GMT 2013


Details are 10-12 on Sunday morning  24th March. Meet by the wooden bridge
on the Mill Lane shortcut. Bring a black bin bag and gloves. Will go ahead
whatever the weather (unless absolutely tipping down.) Come for all or just
half an hour. Bring tea/coffee/croissants if you like but not compulsory.



From: Juliet Lecchini [mailto:juliet.lecchini at headspaceconsulting.com] 
Sent: 04 March 2013 12:09
To: Barnard, Jamie; louise.symons at tiscali.co.uk;
jeremy.vanstone at btopenworld.com; Karl Lawrence; andrew at findlay.org;
committee at taplowsociety.org.uk
Cc: peterbrash at aol.com; jen0722 at live.co.uk; andy at landamore.plus.com;
ana.burman at brunel.ac.uk; stacysherlock at hotmail.co.uk; cekeating at aol.com;
davewatkins55 at hotmail.com; 8watkins at hotmail.co.uk; louvockins at aol.com;
sviollet at microsoft.com; pav at p-av.co.uk; claire.price at hotmail.com;
leigh at simforms.com; mandy at simforms.com; info at opalpassions.co.uk;
kevingw at virginmedia.com; janebarnard at gmail.com; jenny at replaylearning.com;
leftleyfamily at gmail.com; b.j.styles.96 at cantab.net;
helen.mcdonough at cantab.net; pickamix at btinternet.com; wendyafox at gmail.com;
nhmoran at aol.com; joolsteasdale at yahoo.co.uk; claire.waters at gmail.com;
lou.rust at grace.com; helen.ma228 at btinternet.com; soundcanyon at btinternet.com;
mariahaines at hotmail.com; janwilga at btinternet.com; julia.wilga at ee.co.uk;
zoe.carl at btinternet.com; Julie-thorpe at sky.com; sarahlomax997 at hotmail.com;
Janette Mackay; Sally Sharp; Sally Ashford; Rupert sellers; Roger Andrews;
Paul Anthony Viollet; Miv Wayland Smith; mike sharp;
m.knight at knightarchitects.co.uk; Jacqueline Andrews; George Ormond; fiona
plumley; duncanl at autotech.uk.net; Clementine & Simon Fox; Claire Price;
cjashford at msn.com; Chris Ormond; chris ashford; Cazanig at aol.com; Catherine
Knight; Caroline Smales; Caroline Sellers; anna hill; Alastair Hill;
suzanne; y.letouze at virgin.net; Lisa Le Touze; leftleyfamily at gmail.com;
chrischerry at therapycounselling.com; marc at benforduv.com;
jane.barnard at gmail.com; toby.hornett at canon-europe.com; tamsin hornett;
timbr at wning.net; cat browning; Marie Tenglund; pete webb;
rebecca.one at hotmail.co.uk; vrede9 at yahoo.co.uk; Miv Wayland Smith
Subject: Re: Womble of Taplow


Sincerely - Well Done Jamie. The problem with picking up litter is that it
can feel overwhelming on your own. So to follow Jamie's sterling example I
would like to propose a group clear up of the short cut on Mill Lane by the
Jubilee River which is actually a lovely spot - but gets regularly trashed
with litter.

How about 10-12 on a Sunday morning. 24th March? People could come for half
an hour or even the whole two hours - and anyone not wanting to pick up
litter - could drop by with coffee and croissants?

Any takers?


On 04/03/2013 10:32, "Barnard, Jamie" <Jamie.Barnard at unilever.com> wrote:

Hi everyone
You'll be happy to know that I spent 6 hours picking up litter this weekend
- 15 bin bags full to bursting with plastic bags, fag packets, beer cans,
McDonalds lids, straws, cups, boxes, crisp packets, sweet wrappers, tissues,
soiled towels, shower curtains, a toaster, bottles, timber posts, estate
agent signs, furry hats, 3 shoes, socks, bags of clothes, 1 condom, 3 hub
caps and a partridge in a pear tree.  I also picked up 50 or 60 party bags
of dog poo (what kind of a human bothers to clear up after their dog only to
throw it into a hedge further down the road...?!).
Unfortunately, I only picked up litter on the route from Hitcham Grange to
the train station - I walk this twice a day every day and it's not a great
way to start.  At least now, I shall feel profoundly happy (like a Womble)
instead of depressed at how pathetic and bone idle some people can be.  I
still have more to do on the left-had side of Station Road (as you walk
towards SGT) which I may crack this evening while the sun is shining.
Unfortunately, there are a load of rubble bags full of ballast still on
Station Road - I had to draw the line somewhere and it was getting dark.
All I can say is that I'm glad I have a strong stomach - I've seen it all
I would like to claim that I did it single-handedly but my two five year
olds joined me for the first hour or two.  The school has evidently
instilled a civic conscience in the children - they absolutely understood
the effect it had on nature and the environment - they had a grip on the
fact that litter was not biodegradable so it would stay there until someone
(like them) had the moral terpitude to pick it up. I was so impressed by St
Nics (hence why I'm cc'ing Year 1 rentals).
I have no interest in thanks - I did it to make my spring walk to work a
pleasurable one.  But I hope you enjoy a brief window while the litter bugs
have to start all over again.
Have a good day.  Spring is here!


Jamie Barnard General Counsel, Digital & Privacy, Global
T: +44(0)207 822 5524  M: +44 (0)7770 647 564  Tw:  @santasmokes
Unilever U.K. Central Resources Limited
Registered in England & Wales; Company No 29140
Registered Office: Unilever House, Blackfriars, London, EC4Y 0DY


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