[GNUz] What did the FSF ever do for us?

Rik Tindall gnuz@inode.co.nz
Fri, 04 May 2007 23:02:25 +1200

Nick Rout wrote:

>On Fri, May 4, 2007 1:13 pm, Rik Tindall wrote:
>>This is how I understand your legitimately raised objection
>>to GNU, Jim (while doing more than _anyone_ to allow the democratic
>>working through of the issues), on behalf of all programmers - to remove
>>a (more than misperceived?) financial ceiling on the value of your
>Can you point to an example of Jim expressing an "objection to GNU"

You're right, in that "objection to [the] GnuPL" is more accurate.

Having discussed licensing matters with Jim, I am confident in 
paraphrasing the point - that BSD licensing is more free than Free - and 
I agree that this is true. Therefore I must (reciprocally) endorse Jim's 
right to oppose GnuPL reach. Whereas I support the earning drive of 
skilled programmer interests (that Jim's position represents, well), I'd 
still reply that software history is proving the necessary nature of a 
compromised Freedom; after all, which "freedom" isn't these days?

hth, rik