[GNUz] What did the FSF ever do for us?

Rik Tindall gnuz@inode.co.nz
Fri, 04 May 2007 13:13:17 +1200

Jim Cheetham wrote:
> On 04/05/07, Rik Tindall <ask@infohelp.co.nz> wrote:
>> Hmm. It's taken me years to grasp that the 'community campaign' we're
>> part of, under "Linux", is actually the complete liquidation of GNU.
> No.

We're not in disagreement.

> Apathy and indifference might be leading to the liquidation of GNU,
> but not active malice.
Active malice, no; active capitalism, yes - the ever-present pressure 
(of an 'easy' solution) to commoditise code: for the paying of 
programmers. This is how I understand your legitimately raised objection 
to GNU, Jim (while doing more than _anyone_ to allow the democratic 
working through of the issues), on behalf of all programmers - to remove 
a (more than misperceived?) financial ceiling on the value of your 
output. We must stand in solidarity with all such workers receiving 
better value for their work - in taking the side of working class morality.

But that isn't where the anti-GNU impetus originates.

> In the real world, active malice is an incredibly rare occurrance.
> Stupidity, ignorance and negligance are common.

You bet. What a catastrophically disorganised and impulsive species..

> Continuing to declare "all Linux users" as "anti-GNU" is akin to the
> (MP|RI)AA declaring all computer users as copyright violating pirates,
> and just as likely to be true.

And there are plenty more reasons - mainly the flawed nature of 
absolutes and generalisations in thought - why one wouldn't want to 
imply there is any such cogent group. Who has? That is just polemics, in 
this case.

It is the "Linux User" (brand) leaders who are proving themselves the 
purveyors of deceit, by not giving equal emphasis to Free Software, far 
too ca$ually. This is their wake-up call.

We are all beneficiaries of continuing education.

Cheers, Rik