[GNUz] Lost in the battle

Rik Tindall gnuz@inode.co.nz
Tue, 20 Mar 2007 23:49:45 +1200

Yep, it's our first significant burst into life as a list. Warts and 
all. There are foundations being laid for future building work, amongst 
the clamour - of whether these should be laid east, west, north, south, 
facing Mecca, along lay lines, .. you get the idea. So you've stumbled 
into a mob who cares about its culture - and the fact that that is just 
optional. So ignoring it is certainly valid, and please do let us know 
if we're stressing your Inbox.

fill wrote:
> My ignorance to the matter gives me the impression that it should be 
> called neither LUG CLUG FLOSS or FOSS but LOST!

Hmmm.. We're working on that! (see Constitution.)

> When the bickering is sorted and the dust settles, i'm sure there will 
> be some quasi winners and losers that will scowl at each other across 
> meeting rooms whilst others sit at computers learning and sharing 
> knowledge.

:) Smiles all round is the sense I get; sorting, unique commentary, 
freenix passion. Otherwise we wouldn't be here.

> Happily apathetic to it all
> Phil Gemmell

This reminds me of my dear departed Dad, and further occasional 
exchanges with reticent elderly. 'Learn the computer'? - Not if you 
don't want to. There are much better things in life to be enjoyed, than 
this huge time consumer.

But we have our own community point in being.
