[GNUz] How does GLU/GNUz differ from CLUG?
Rik Tindall
Mon, 12 Mar 2007 15:07:55 +1300
nick@rout.co.nz wrote:
>> Timothy Musson wrote:
>>>> Instead, why don't we...
>>>> Help folks select and track-down decent hardware.
>> Would you like editing rights for http://www.hackstop.org ?
> Why repeat what is being done elsewhere? The world doesn't need yet
> another hardware database.
Because if you'd read the links you'd have seen how patchy and outdated
this info tends to be. Another page (joining about six in the world)
would add referencing to the Free hardware options, and, who knows, with
enough attention given it, could rank amongst the best.
This kind of flak is why it's a complete waste of time putting the
effort into clug, imho.