[GNUz] How does GLU/GNUz differ from CLUG?

Timothy Musson gnuz@inode.co.nz
Sun, 11 Mar 2007 23:29:11 +1300

Whoah, you're full of questions! :^)

Don Gould wrote:
> Timothy Musson wrote:
> >*) I've been supporting the FSF[1] with a monthly donation since June
> >   2003. 
> What does FSF do to promote or enhance its values in New Zealand?

As far as I know, the FSF doesn't do anything _specifically_ aimed at
New Zealand. The EFF, on the other hand, does directly help New Zealand.
They submitted this fantastic report to our government in 2001:

> >*) This February, I wrote a submission to the Commerce Committee
> >   opposing parts of the Copyright Amendment Bill that discriminate
> >   against and Free Software.

> Did you find that worth while?

If it turns out that a lot of people sent in submissions with the same
critisisms, the Commerce Committee might actually take notice and
re-think the silly bits of the bill. That would be worthwhile.

> What are you planning to do to follow this up?  Do you have a plan?

I hadn't thought about it.

> Is your submission in the public light?

Here it is:


BTW, the Commerce Committee will eventually publish all the submissions they
get, online. Here's where to look, I guess:


> Are you a member of NZOSS?

No. I have a lot of respect for the NZOSS folks, but I'm not an Open
Source supporter.

> >*) When I write software, I release it under the GPL. It's just a hobby
> >   though. I'm a pretty crappy programmer. 

> What have you written?

Well, the GUI for gnect ("Four-in-a-row") in gnome-games. And some other
very small things.

> Is your work in the public light?


> >I've also contributed bug
> >   fixes and artwork to the GNOME Project (especially gnome-games),
> >   though not recently.

> What is your interest in games?

Very little :^)

I got interested in gnome-games because it was an easy way to learn
about programming GNU/Linux and get some experience collaborating with
other people.

> Why have you not done any recently?  Lost interest?  To busy?

I lost interest when I realised I'd never be a really good programmer. I
still love to tinker, but that's all it is.

> >*) I maintain computers running Debian GNU/Linux for 3 other family
> >   members.

> When you say 'maintain', what do you mean?

By "maintain", I mean I (try to ;) visit them about once a month with a
USB flash drive containing security updates. When a new version of
Debian stable comes out, I upgrade us all to that. There's no hassle

> Derek Smithies raised a very good point this past week, choosing Linux
> can result in a great deal of support and a lot less productivity.

Sure, depending on the situation. We could say the same about Windows

> >*) I occasionally write to journalists and hardware manufacturers about
> >   Free Software issues.

> Who?  Why?  Why?

(You'll find a link to some examples, in answer to another question

> Do you have a campaign that you're working to?

What do you mean?

> >*) I don't buy stuff (music, software, hardware, whatever) from
> >   companies that're hostile towards Free Software. Better to buy
> >   second-hand, if you need that stuff at all, and send a note to the
> >   manufactuerer explaining what you've done and why.
> Do you put these communications in to the public light?

No. But if you're interested...


There might be one or two others I've lost and forgotten.
I'll take them offline again in a few days.

> >*) I've signed up with Defective by Design[3] and Bad Vista[4].
> >   (Tagging products on Amazon.com as "defectivebydesign" is kinda fun! :^)

> Why do you see value in this?

Couple of reasons.

1) As someone who buys stuff, I'd like to be warned if I'm about to buy
   something I'm forbidden from understanding, fixing, modifying,
   re-selling, etc.
2) Campaigns like defectivebydesign and badvista get publicity (both
   good and bad). That introduces folks to new ideas.

> Do you, or have you, ever watched West Wing?  (It's a TV show.)

No, I haven't seen it. I don't like being advertised at, so I don't
watch much TV. Why do you ask?

> Do you find or feel that the negative dynamic delivers results?

Can you explain?

> >*) I helped out on the most recent Software Freedom Day.

> How much impact do you think SFD has had?

Worldwide, or in Chch.?

Either way, the answer is that I have no idea. I do think that SFD is an
excellent thing - it seems to get publicity - and people seem to enjoy
it. (And Rik did a brilliant job running the latest one.) But I have no
idea how many people end up eventually understanding Free Software as a

> Is that important to you?

...Eliza, is that you?

> There is "no CLUG", in my view, because CLUG and GNUZ are what we make
> of them. In answering my question with your details you have in fact
> framed both CLUG and GNUZ. Does this make sense?

I don't know :p

