[GNUz] Re: Naming Groups was: UTP Cables from Solid Core

Rik Tindall gnuz@inode.co.nz
Mon, 12 Feb 2007 20:47:02 +1300

nick@rout.co.nz wrote:
> Rik I think everyone who uses Linux knows what a debt is owed to GNU in
> terms of software and the pursuit of freedom. Granted, not everyone of
> those users agrees with every pronouncement of RMS. However I don't think
> its true to categorise anyone I know in CLUG as "anti-RMS".

'Unappreciative of the (open) source of their freedom' would be 
debatably true of anyone identifying as a "Linux User" - most of whom 
locally go nowhere near CLUG - it has become apparent to me. But, as you 
indicate, this stems from an education deficit more than antagonism. 
That said, there's a very common and shallow line of criticism that gets 
repeated whenever a view of RMS is elicited - tho I'm scratching my head 
to remember it, through lack of frequent discussion - that is easily 
dismissed; someone remind me of it please. Related is an uptight 
rejection of "Saint iGnucius", as if people think the guy is taking 
himself seriously when that role-playing is clearly a wind-up. Like the 
GPL, 'it works' - probably too well (again, like the GPL).

> Anyway there probably is a need for a CLUG meeting in which licensing and
> the current debates between "Free" and "Open" (and indeed "closed") are
> discussed and explained. I suggest you as a speaker. Would you be up for
> it?

That reminds me of the workshop we tried to float a couple of years 
back, that didn't. But good offer, thanks Nick, I will have to consider 
it - and reply sometime after tomorrow's LUG meet. It seems that 
consequent to 'rocking the boat' (not gently enough), my Free Software 
business model (of data projection / services) is going to be shunted 
aside. (Which is one way of disproving the FSbm; and thanks for filling 
out that discussion, incidentally.) So my search for positives settles 
on regaining these two freedoms viz CLUG, similar to what you too have said:

0) the freedom to show up late for meetings, &

1) the freedom to not show up at all.

You've supplied pause to consider a third option, at least once. But 
mostly I'm still waiting, @CLUG, to hear from any more experienced 
user(s) than myself as to how the GNU contribution is appreciated within 
mainstream *nix.

I'm less than convinced that any such effort from me would go down well. 
In fact we already know that it wouldn't. I'm lacking the confidence 
(local role model) to tackle that task successfully, what's more.

I guess now we're halfway to solving this challenge though.

