[GNUz] Re: [SFD-TC] Team Reports

Rik Tindall gnuz@inode.co.nz
Mon, 10 Jul 2006 16:36:44 +1200

Hey, great to see you join Pia!

That's one less paragraph for me to write. Glad you sussed the list.

Pia Waugh wrote:

>Hi Rik,
><quote who="Rik Tindall">

I have to assume that's a question.
I was the tall guy with v.short hair and the bright green SFD T, but 
negligible programmer skill.

More info:
Self-employed in computer support since 2002, fully open-source from 
2003. Initiator of this FSF-friendly list.

>>Howzit going? We met at LCA06, and talked a lot about SFD.
>Nice to see you again :) How is everything going in NZ? Is the FOSS
>community building up after lca2006?

There's a nasty flu doing the rounds - California A apparently - hence 
my delayed reply, sorry. Amplified by the chilly, indoors weather of 
late. Many farmers struggling. After that though, your question's such a 
very big one that I'll wait to see what other's say about it first.

Except, Hamilton's joined SFD - Yay!!!

>>We're slowly getting planning started here in Christchurch NZ, but we've 
>>struck a snag. The SFD website seems practically dysfunctional. People 
>>are making jokes about the forums full of link-spam pron etc. The 
>>gallery for 2004 is missing. It has a very neglected feel to it. A 
>>really undermining put-off.
>Yeah, completely understood. The spam issue has been a problem and we would
>love some help. We are about to announce a compeition which would hopefully
>provide some incentive, however keeping the forums clean would be good. I
>think the mailing list and the start guide have been useful though and
>getting people to communicate via the mailing list has been to my mind more
>useful, but that is no excuse for the forums to be poo :)

Thanks for getting back to me so promptly (Sunday). Am forwarding

competition details to list now. ...

>>What's going on with SFI? There's no word coming down through the 
>>mailing list, and it seems a bit of a mistake to have divided out 
>>linguistically. On balance, I wouldn't be surprised if the 
>>Spanish-speakers were feeling undervalued. Any dialogue is better than 
>>no dialogue, for developing community.
>Umm, no word abou what? Matt and I have posted to the SFD teams mailing list
>a few times, and I guess things will be ramp up now.

Maybe we here need to join the new English-language list. I recall 
getting some instruction to that effect, and will look back for it now. 
It didn't seem to me at the time the optimum solution to separate out 
the different cultures - very fragmentary. But I'll follow the pointer now.

>>Having been with SFD from the start, it seems to me that resources and 
>>interest have been drawn away from the project since 11Sept2005. Into 
>>Ubuntu, I have assumed, which is fair enough in a way. I just expected 
>>things to leap forward again after the release of Dapper.
>Right, well the organisation basically until this year consisted of two
>people with a grand total of $2000 funding (and free CD's and shipping from
>Canonical). So it has probably grown a bit fast for them :) I'm on the board
>this year along with some new people and we would love some more help :)
Cool to hear all that. How come there's a month gap in the SFI meeting 
records please?

>>The forum garbage is badly obstructing any sense of coherent development 
>>for SFD06. Anything I can do to help? Moderator rights? - Happy to do 
>>bulk maintenance.
>That would be great. I've cc'd the SFD board. Matt/Henrik, can you give Rik
>whatever rights he needs to help on the forums and website?
Ok. These guys know me by email. I'll keep an eye out and get into the 
repairs as soon as I get permission.

>>Well, that'll do for now. Just making contact.
>Thanks, much appreciated :) I hope that this year is big. We would love some
>help with making it bigger and I really appreciate you getting in contact.
No worries. It's a great event. More to come..

>>Oh, and sorry about the Wallabies.
>>- They must have had the wrong brand of eye-liner ;-)
>Yeah, well they shouldn't have got the cheap brand, right? ;) I'll pass on
>any recommendations you might have ;P
Sorry, you'll have to ask the All Blacks about that one. :)

>>Go Italia! You were robbed - it should be the Socceroos in the final :)
The end result says it all. 'Champion' countries are by accident - sport 
proves nothing, except that everyone loves the fun and physicality. 
Bring on the Rugby World Cup :)

>Yeah, many Aussies are saying the same, but hey, it has been fun anyway :)
>>Kind regards to you and Jeff, and SFI,
>Cheers back to you,

Till next,

Kind regards


Rik Tindall, InfoHelp Services <http://www.infohelp.co.nz> on virus-free
Ubuntu GNU/Linux 5.10 free OS, 2.6.12-9-k7 kernel, GNOME 2.12.1 desktop