[GNUz] [Fwd: FreeBSD 6.1 Released]

Dale DuRose gnuz@inode.co.nz
Thu, 11 May 2006 08:50:13 +1200

Rik Tindall wrote:
> Nick Rout wrote:
>>> Neil is currently helping me compile in hostap -  
>>> http://hostap.epitest.fi
>>> - so it's a great comparison LNX/FreeBSD on this networking task.
>> pebble?
> Hey, good point.
> The mission is to get dialup ppp shared wirelessly for Sydenham 
> (though we'll keep trying for broadband wireless in, long term). So 
> once we get a LNX &/or BSD solution running, refined installs like 
> this will be worth a look too.
Well i know how to nat a ppp connect on freebsd


setup DHCP

The next step is to just understand freebsd ifconfig options for wifi 
card more in full.

> It all moves us towards supplementing Don's ClarkConnect option, and 
> extending wireless community.
> Thanks for the tip,