[GNUz] Inspired to work with wifi

Rik Tindall gnuz@inode.co.nz
Sat, 15 Apr 2006 10:12:14 +1200

Hey guys,

It would be great to see a presentation on BSD, Wifi, netcafe ideas, etc..

Steve Holdoway wrote:

>Hi Dale,
>I've done a fair bit of research on this, and my solution is to use a Soekris 4801 ( http://www.soekris.com/net4801.htm ), and a Senao nmp-8602 plus mini-pci card ( http://www.senao.com/english/product/product_wireless01_outdoor_1.asp?pgtl=Wireless&tp1id=02&tp2id=09&proid=000169 ). The high power card ( check to make sure you stay legal! ) gives a pretty impressive range! Then use pebble, voyager or a bsd variant to run it all.
>On Sat, 08 Apr 2006 09:36:04 +1200
>Dale DuRose <mafiageek@gmail.com> wrote:
>>Interesting speech Don last Thursday. Made me think about wifi more than 
>>i had in the pass. So i'm looking at building some FreeBSD and Linux 
>>wifi access points / network nodes / routers and linking them together 
>>to form a network. I'm also researching if its possible if one can 
>>create a wifi network with out access points.. So I'm off in the next 
>>few weeks to buy wifi cards.
>>~ Dale
Let us know if/when you're ready to put a talk together, and the workshop is yours.

In the meantime I'll do some back-to-basics, Q&A elementary stuff next month, and compare FreeBSD to Ubuntu for my present work purposes.

Cheers, Rik