[GNUz] Fwd: Academics Discuss MS vs. OSS

Steve Holdoway gnuz@inode.co.nz
Thu, 09 Jun 2005 20:37:18 +1200

Wesley Parish wrote:

>FWIW, I would say that within ten years Microsoft will be hanging on by the 
>skin of its teeth due to the DotNET development tools, and the dimwits it's 
>intimidated into paying for its fraudulent software patents.
>Installed base isn't everything - see how fast CP/M's install base withered 
>away once MS DOS' own installed base got to a certain size.  Or how fast MS 
>WinNT took the workstation marketplace from the Unixen.
>At the moment everybody's attention's fixed on the North American market, 
>because as of the present moment, it's still the largest market.  But F/LOSS 
>attracts a lot of attention from the developing world, and they are now 
>getting slowly but surely into gear.  And America's shrinking.
>After a while the question won't be if but when.  
>I have spoken! <;^)
>Wesley Parish
>On Wed, 08 Jun 2005 17:02, Ralph Stoker wrote:
>>Check out this article from the Harvard Business School...
>>Some interesting (surprising?) outcomes..
>>Ps. Never really liked those Swiss gnomes..LOL
I think that, apart from the total ignorance of the authors, the 
scariest thing that comes out of this is their acceptance of FUD as a 
valuable marketing tool.
