[GNUz] [Fwd: Software Freedom Day 2005 Update]

Richard Tindall gnuz@inode.co.nz
Tue, 07 Jun 2005 22:21:04 +1200

Jim Cheetham wrote:

> "Never attribute to malice ...", as I'm sure you've heard before. Have 
> you tried emailing to Peter or the list admin directly?

I guess that would be something I can improve about my thinking. But no, 
it hasn't happened before last week, after ten months on the NZOSS list 
- I don't see much point in persevering. I figured that they never liked 
any of my rare posts, and so they felt better off without them. I 
actually agree, that OSS & FSF are quite separate endeavours, and it's 
better to get on with what is achievable than bang one's head against a 
brick wall. - Separate ideas and strategies, best developed separately? 
They'll reconverge in the end. I think we'd all benefit from a GNU 
rebirth to match what's happened with OSS in numbers, for working 
together, long-term. But that situation has yet to arrive. This might 
only be the view from (conservative) NZ, however - there's gotta be some 
bulk Gnusters somewhere, or we wouldn't have Debian! :-)

Cheers, Rik