[GNUz] meeting - thanks

Timothy Musson gnuz@inode.co.nz
Thu, 3 Mar 2005 01:38:58 +1300

Just a note to say thanks to Rik, for organising the meeting, and to
Sue, for getting my computer and me there and back! :)

I hope everyone managed to get something worthwhile from the talk. If
anyone has questions, please feel free to email or post to this list.

BTW, the address for those bash scripts, etc., is:

To un-pack that: tar zxf bashbits-20050302.tar.gz

It includes some of the things I talked about, like:

  addlog.sh   (stores a new note in a file named ~/.mylog)
  listlog.sh  (retrieves notes from ~/.mylog according to keyword/s)
  pratwall    (an iptables firewall for dial-up Debian-based machines)
  my ~/.bashrc and ~/.vimrc files

Most have a -h option for help/usage info - e.g.:

  addlog.sh -h

The system integrity checker I talked a bit about was 'integrit'.
Here's its homepage:


I think people were interested in 'calendar', too, for sending daily
reminders. Most people probably already have it (it's installed by
default on Debian, at least).  Try 'man calendar', and take a look at


trmusson@ihug.co.nz  -  PGP 0xD5967C88