[GNUz] RMS blog

Rik Tindall gnuz@inode.co.nz
Thu, 18 Nov 2004 17:33:16 +1300

Thanks fot the pointer Tim.

It's a pity we missed the chance to expand RMS's Aussie tour over here..

Timothy Musson wrote:

>I've just found that RMS has an online journal (well, _they're_ calling
>it a blog, but it looks more like a journal to me :)
>  http://agia.fsf.org/rms-blog/
>There are a couple of nice photos near the bottom of that first page,
Are you interested in helping initiate a "Debian School"?

I will present on the theme at CLUG's final meeting for 2004, Weds 01 
Dec in Sydenham:


As the date draws near, I am filling out this draft presentation towards 

All feedback on the content & breadth of coverage most welcome.

It's a study course - for myself as much as anyone! All welcome.


- Rik ('rmt' ;)