[GNUz] GNU/Linux ...

InfoHelp gnuz@inode.co.nz
Fri, 02 Jul 2004 19:08:22 +1200


If you took my reply to you as provocative, it was not meant to be.

I meant that I had just joined the list, & I had not read the archives, 
if that confused you.

nick@rout.co.nz wrote:

>>My reading into the issue is still too formative to take on the bigger,
>>wider license issues properly, but..
>>For the world I know (PC users who could be using "Linux"), it's a
>>matter of market situation - does the community own the name, or does
>>Big Blue/Business (for e.g. among several incl. Novell)? I will be
>>expanding the argument on CLUG-list asap, but to abbreviate, GNU/Linux
>>is the name that ensures the developer community does. That is, we must
>>retain the momentum of "Linux" through clarifying GNU/Linux as early in
>>the product cycle as possible. This is largely about branding &
>>'propaganda', but it is education we are on the side of, not politics
>>(though they are not separable).
>if i am following you, (Big "If") then you are saying that the inclision
Have not heard of that - incision? or insertion?  ;-)

>of "GNU" in "GNU/Linux" differntiates us somehow from
>IBM/Redhat/Novell/Big Business.
Let us try it and see.

>However it doesn't. those big businesses use GNU too.
>or am i missing your point.
Yes. They use it, but wouldn't state it - it seems to me - unless we did.

So should we or should we not, is the question, use "GNU" for anything 

My belief is that it is in the interests of open source programming, 
now, to so do.

>speak in words of one syllable, its what i understand best. I am too used
>to having to explain things to judges and criminals.
Oh, the company one keeps, eh Nick  ;-)

Then you will be understanding "Call things by their rightful names" - 
which I now will prove.

GNU/Linux Users - charting the course
prototype2: Mdk/Fedora/SuSE-Gentoo/LFS-Debian/BSD/Hurd