Debian 11 etc (OneRNG with Python3 and Linux 5.10)

terae terae at
Mon Nov 15 09:05:40 GMT 2021

Thanks for your quick reply and humble attitude to towards every single user/customer!

Too bad that popularity has waned or at least giving feedback is. The whole culture is changed past years. Gotta live with it. But back to your device and software...

I will probably get the HW this week (hardly can wait for it) so I can make sure the program really works pretty soon after getting them. The software...where did/will you place it?

I’m not very good with Python but I suppose every long-term nerd in my age (past 40) can read a little code of any programmng language and debug most error situations. At least I will try and do give a feedback. :)

I have couple of poor random source or lack of enough entropy environments running and I'm really in need of good HW entropy source.

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