[onerng talk] Dis-Integrated circuit ...

Paul Campbell paul at taniwha.com
Sun Jun 16 23:33:39 BST 2019

On Monday, 17 June 2019 8:40:39 AM NZST Jim Cheetham wrote:
> The 6502 has around 3500 transistors; the CC2531 is ... well, I can't find
> it, but it'll probably be a couple of orders of magnitude bigger, even if
> we're not using all of it ...

actually the CC2531 core is an 8051, a 6502 era CPU (it is SUCH a pain to 
program), it's likely of a similar size (I'd guess < 2x size) .

Of course on the die are added:

- flash
- sram

both of which would have been outside your original 6502 but required

- usb
- a RF MAC (not really required)

I'd guess that the bulk of the die is the flash and sram which will make it 
several orders of magnitude larger but as I said above you need that anyway


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