Infinite Noise Multiplier board works

Bill Cox waywardgeek at
Sun Oct 26 18:12:34 GMT 2014

I got the first out-of-date boards from OSH Park, and decided to populate
one.  It works as predicted:

The big chip in the middle is an FT240X USB FIFO chip, which I use in
bit-bang mode to drive the INM which is on the right half.  I've got a
better board, based on Paul's feedback, coming in a few days.  It will have
a proper USB connector and plastic housing with nickle-based shielding
paint on the inside.  There will be a ground plane on the bottom, and the
vias will be smaller, and covered by the solder mask.

This is the first surface-mount board I ever designed.  It was a ton of
fun!  OSH Park is awesome.

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