[onerng talk] Putting Inf Noise on Tindie in non-competitive way?

Carl Perry caperry at spherecube.io
Wed Oct 29 05:13:00 GMT 2014

On 10/28/2014 09:28 PM, Paul Campbell wrote:
> I'm not sure if that directly solves any of my existing interesting
> problems (getting data into the Mac and Windows entropy pools, or
> sharing one device between multiple VMs) on the other hand it's
> probably good for people who want to roll their own (in the Java world
> anyway)

Sharing a device between multiple VMs is something I've been looking at
too. Are you using KVM or some other hypervisor? I ask because KVM has
virtio-rng in later releases which handles this nicely:


I've started doing some testing with a TrueRNG device and the results
have been promising. I'm hoping to provide this capability to customers
in a forthcoming VPS product I'm developing...


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