[chbot] Seeking PDP-11 Unibus Terminators

Ashlin Inwood ashlin.inwood+robotics at gmail.com
Tue May 7 09:51:01 BST 2024

Hi all,

This is a bit of a long shot but I am looking to borrow or acquire a Unibus
backplane and terminators. In general, any DEC tools equipment, or
parts would also be very helpful.

I am restoring a PDP-11/40, I have just finished making a Unibone (a
BeagleBone on a Unibus card). I wish to get a backplane to test the
Unibone in isolation without dismantling my 11/40.

The system is at least partially functional, it runs exceptionally simple
programs with minimal issues. The computer is built mostly from 74 series
logic so as you would imagine it can be a little bit difficult to tell if
it's operating correctly. With the Unibone I will be emulating some core
memory and running through some test programs.

I have one RK05 up and running as well, I need to calibrate the heads at
some point but the first step is the processor. I've got 4 days off
starting on Friday so I hope to make some serious progress towards that.

Here is a link to some images if you are interested:

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