[chbot] Bit error rate testing

Peter Harris petes.username at gmail.com
Tue Jul 20 05:02:59 BST 2021

Hi All
For a chocolate fish at the next meeting: I am looking for the name of a
specific industry standard BER test for serial data we used at Tait to
check base station links. It was in the TB8100 and I remember
reimplementing it for the DMR variant but memory rust has hidden the name
and my Google foo has failed to find it.

What I remember:
- A fixed bit sequence was sent repeatedly down the link.
- The sequence was constructed such that once enough bits (possibly 14) had
been received anywhere in the sequence the expected value of the next bit
could be predicted.
- The sequence length was one bit short of filling a whole number of bytes
so it could be sent 8 times before bytes started to repeat.

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