[chbot] Recommendations for competent local web designing talent

Mark Atherton markaren1 at xtra.co.nz
Tue Jan 29 18:56:20 GMT 2019

Hi All,

I am currently helping Science Alive with various projects; one of them 
is to ease them into the whole world of web development (mainly from a 
specification, and contractual viewpoint).

The next-generation web project needs to be developed using completely 
open-source tools (possibly wordpress); the development work needs to be 
completely transparent and portable so that any competent web designer 
can maintain the project as required.

Part of the project will be creating documentation so that SA staff can 
understand how the web site has been constructed, along with all of the 
associated pieces of the web--puzzle, including all passwords etc. SA 
will also own all developed IP associated with the project so they can 
do with any of it as they wish. No part of the project will use any 
proprietary, or licensed components without explicit permission from SA.

The developers need to be local to Christchurch, easy to work with, have 
a good track record in terms of integrity, no hidden surprises, 
on-price, and on-time delivery; you know - nice journeymen professionals 
with a sense of humour, who can also answer web and internet related 
questions, and won't charge the earth.

I have has a couple of very odd exchanges with web-developers in the 
past - they have got quite excited (in a bad way) after explaining the 
need for open source and transparency issues. Strangely, neither of 
these people got the job...

Also, (clearly) neither of these requirements can be met using the 
'free' tools and environment provided by WIX and the like.

Still have lots of details to work out, but first step is get SA 
introduced to some candidate companies who are likely to still be in 
business in five years time.

Recommendation appreciated.

Thanks, Mark

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