[chbot] Fixing bouncing rotary encoder

Volker Kuhlmann list0570 at paradise.net.nz
Sun Nov 6 04:44:07 GMT 2016

I have a digital power supply that has developed a bounce problem with
its twiddle knob, making it pretty much unusable. Someone at the last
meeting mentioned the quick fix is to put in a capacitor, but I don't
remember the details. Is the capacitor across the contacts? And what
value? 100pF? 100nF? Wouldn't burn 100nF the contacts out?

Obviously this tool has s... firmware, but I can't fix that. Plan B is
to try and replace the encoder, but if a quick fix works that'll save
some headaches with models, sizes, etc.

Thanks muchly,


Volker Kuhlmann
http://volker.top.geek.nz/	Please do not CC list postings to me.

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