[chbot] ESP8266 Update
Richard Jones
richard.jones.1952 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 13 03:58:55 BST 2015
A few days ago the ESP8266 tools were updated to V1.1.1 and the 3 channel
relay board no longer compiles. I have a temporary work around for the new
tool chain.
Follow the instructions I posted before (working on ubuntu 14.04):
In the tool chain:
/opt/esp-open-sdk/sdk/include/c_types.h edit line 11 to #if 1 /* was 0 */
/opt/esp-open-sdk/sdk/include/eagle_soc.h replace with attached file
eagle_soc.h (from v1.0.1)
In the application:
broadcastd.c line87 struct sensor_reading* result = read_ds18b20(0);
becomes read_ds18b20( );
To do the job properly requires inspired guesswork or a data sheet, and is
probably not worth modifying the application code for the new environment
until the httpd has been split.
You can see my changes to the relay board code running on the ESP8266 here:
http://jones-solar.no-ip.biz Not bad for a less than $4NZ server.
I hope to bring a demo along to the Monday meeting provided I complete
other commitments that day.
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