<div dir="ltr">A few days ago the ESP8266 tools were updated to V1.1.1 and the 3 channel relay board no longer compiles. I have a temporary work around for the new tool chain.<br><div><br></div><div>Follow the instructions I posted before (working on ubuntu 14.04): <br><pre><a href="http://www.penninkhof.com/2015/03/esp8266-open-sdk/">http://www.penninkhof.com/2015/03/esp8266-open-sdk/</a>
</pre></div><div>In the tool chain:<br>
/opt/esp-open-sdk/sdk/include/c_types.h edit line 11 to #if 1 /* was 0 */<br>
/opt/esp-open-sdk/sdk/include/eagle_soc.h replace with attached file eagle_soc.h (from v1.0.1)<br>
In the application:<br>
broadcastd.c line87 struct sensor_reading* result = read_ds18b20(0); becomes read_ds18b20( );<br>
To do the job properly requires inspired guesswork or a data sheet, and is probably not worth modifying the application code for the new environment until the httpd has been split. <a href="http://www.esp8266.com/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=3495&start=0">http://www.esp8266.com/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=3495&start=0</a><br><br></div><div>You can see my changes to the relay board code running on the ESP8266 here: <a href="http://jones-solar.no-ip.biz">http://jones-solar.no-ip.biz</a> Not bad for a less than $4NZ server.<br><br>I hope to bring a demo along to the Monday meeting provided I complete other commitments that day.<br></div><div><br></div><div>Richard<br>