[chbot] OT: VOIP phone services and hardware

Hadley Rich hads at nice.net.nz
Thu Oct 10 22:17:39 BST 2013

On 11/10/13 11:09, Mark Atherton wrote:
> You could also get a *real* VOIP phone for a similar price to the
> Linksys ATA, but of course you wouldn't be able to run analogue
> extensions. The good news is that it is easier to haul around.

I would argue for a VoIP phone myself too but they aren't quite as cheap 
as an ATA and especially not if you want cordless.

> I would bother re-provisioning Cisco or similar VOIP/SIP capable phones,
> they are designed for corporate infrastructure and a lot of fiddling
> will be required.

You might be thinking of the old non-SIP Cisco VoIP gear which was a 
pain. These days most of their common stuff is rebranded Linksys 
(rebranded Sipura) gear which although not my favourite is designed for 
end users and not particularly fiddly.

> Also have a look at the Linksys ADSL2 + (2 x VOIP) + Wireless + QoS
> Router something like
> <http://www.ebay.com/itm/251354588605>http://www.ebay.com/itm/251354588605
> -- analogue + wireless VOIP in a single box.

I'm more of a fan of separate devices myself, more flexibility and if 
one fails then you don't have to replace everything. You might move to a 
fibre connection which requires a different modem etc.


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