[chbot] Shove this in your pi-hole - ARM A9 + FPGA +24G FLOPs for $99

Michael Field hamster at snap.net.nz
Thu Oct 25 10:07:52 BST 2012

Maybe somebody else on the list will be interested in this kickstarter 
I've signed up for. It is like a Raspberry Pi on steroids (or whatever 
Lance was taking):


  * Zynq-7010 Dual-core ARM A9 CPU
      o ARM CPU
      o FPGA Programmable logic equivalent to 430k ASIC gates, (peak of
        74 GMACs within the Zynq proc).
  * Epiphany Multicore Accelerator (16 or 64 cores)
    <http://www.adapteva.com/products/silicon-devices/> giving 24GFLOPS
    of floating point for the small model, 90GFLOPS for the big one.
  * 1GB RAM
  * MicroSD Card
  * USB 2.0 (two)
  * Two general purpose expansion connectors
  * Ethernet 10/100/1000
  * HDMI connection
  * Creditcard sized
  * Runs on 5W
  * Ships with Ubuntu OS
  * Ships with free open source Epiphany development tools that include
    C compiler, multicore debugger, Eclipse IDE, OpenCL SDK/compiler,
    and run time libraries.
  * Dimensions are 3.4'' x 2.1''

Even if your don't need the floating point or FPGA logic, a dual core 
ARM board with Gigabit Ethernet and a heap of programmable logic for $99 
is pretty good.


PS. What does everybody think of Raspberry Pi's drivers being released 
under a FOSS license? Delivery is now pretty good - I got the new 512MB 
version from Element 14 in 3 days.
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