[chbot] Battery Pack - the 27 chocolate fish challenge

Mark Atherton markaren1 at xtra.co.nz
Mon Oct 17 21:06:03 BST 2011

Hi All,

Last night Paul L was kind enough to give me a busted battery pack 
from an electric drill - www.idesignz.org/BP/battery_pack.jpg.

The pack contains 10 x 
Lithium Ion cells.

Two cells are busted, hence the reason for the unit being thrown out, 
and of course they are in the middle.

The cells are capable of 20A discharge each, and two cells are in 
parallel. Short circuit current is likely in the order of 100A per 
cell given internal resistance of 35m ohms and 3.7V terminal voltage.

The connecting tabs are copper sheet that have been sport welded onto 
the end of the cells.

There is a black plastic saddle that the cells are attached (glued 
?), with about 0.5mm clearance between cells. Max working temp is 65C.

So the puzzle of the day is how to disassemble the pack safely.

My inclination is to start by cutting vertically with an abrasive 
non-metallic dremel disk - at least the neighbours will be isolated then.

Might then be tempted to soak in white spirit to dissolve the 
adhesive to the black saddle, but that may do nasty things to the 
green cell insulation.

If you short adjacent cells you **will* start a very nasty fire.

Any other thoughts ?


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