[chbot] Making 3D printers more affordable
Peter Ellens
ellensp at xnet.co.nz
Mon Nov 21 11:15:43 GMT 2011
Hi Hanno
This sumpod looks horrid for several reasons.
1) they have blatantly used the reprap electronics without giving
credit, while referencing the repap site for build instructions.
2) they have blatantly used the the reprap firmware sprinter without
giving any credit as required by the licensing (I have informed the
author of sprinter of this)
3) for a mill you need a screw threads for strength, as belt is to flimsy
4) for 3d printer you need a belts, as a screw thread are to slow.
I notice that there are conveniently no images of threads or belts, no
hint as to what it actually uses Just what looks to be lm8uu bearings on
8 mm rod (another reprap standard)
I will be interested to hear your thought on this once you have this item.
On 21/11/11 14:24, Hanno Sander wrote:
> Lots of activity in this space! I recently bought a SumPod, hoping to
> receive it for Christmas :)
> http://sumpod.com
> Hanno
> On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 1:40 PM, Richard Jones<rjtp at ihug.co.nz> wrote:
>> Making 3D printers more affordable, watch the video...
>> http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/printrbot/printrbot-your-first-3d-printer
>> Richard
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