[chbot] Next Meeting Tomorrow 18 April 2007

Carl Ranson chchrobotics@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Tue, 17 Apr 2007 19:14:42 +1200

I've found that robot show I taped off discovery. It has a lot of stuff 
about the asimov and various other bi-peds. Time permitting we might get 
to watch some or failing that I'll make it available to borrow.


Andrew Errington wrote:

>Hi all,
>The next meeting will be tomorrow (Wednesday 18 April) at 7:30pm in the 
>Technology Room at Science Alive!
>*** Please note we are in the "Technology Room" NOT the "Seminar Room" ***
>Since we are in a different room, here are the directions to get there.
>Access is still from the rear of the Science Alive! building, but we will
>be using a door further west of the Seminar Room (where we usually meet).
>At the back of the building look for the glass window and door with a
>giant Sun drawn on it.  This door should be unlocked- go in and traverse
>the room to your left to get into the Technology Room through a door
>half-way along the wall.  Please do not accidentally go into the Seminar
>Any questions, please ask.
>See you there!
>Chchrobotics mailing list