[mythtvnz] Prime => Sky Open

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Sat Sep 9 14:00:09 BST 2023

On Sat, 9 Sep 2023 11:41:23 +1200, you wrote:

>This morning I edited the xmltvid and the Freeview.xmltv (back to 
>Now I get (when I run journalctl -eu epg)
>Sep 09 11:18:16 FishMyth bash[26764]: Sky Open        Sky Open        
>*But no Prime or Sky Open in --- Channel Names ---*
>*But PRIME is there (and when I look back PRIME was there yesterday too)*
>Could that be a tip?
>The database query now looks similar to yours:-
>mysql> select 
>chanid,channum,sourceid,callsign,name,xmltvid,mplexid,serviceid from 
>channel where name like '%prime%' or name like '%sky open%' or callsign 
>like '%prime%' or callsign like '%sky open%' or serviceid=1406 or 
>xmltvid like '%prime%' or xmltvid like '%skyopen%';
>| chanid | channum | sourceid | callsign | name     | 
>xmltvid               | mplexid | serviceid |
>|  10015 | 15      |        1 | Sky Open | Sky Open | 
>skyopen.freeviewnz.tv |       4 |      1406 |
>1 row in set (0.00 sec)

The Channel Names listing is produced from the EPG data alone - there
is nothing in any configuration that can change it.  It should list
all the channel names found in the EPG data.  Those names then get
matched to the xmltv IDs using the mapping file first (if one is
specified), then using fuzzy matching of the names from the EPG data
to the channel names in the MythTV database.  These are the relevant
sections from my log for today's EPG run:

Getting channel xmltv ids from map file
INFO CHANNEL    info-channel.freeviewnz.tv
Whakaata Maori  maori-tv.freeviewnz.tv
PRIME   skyopen.freeviewnz.tv

Getting channel info from MythTV database using Python bindings
TVNZ 1  TVNZ 1  tvnz1.freeviewnz.tv
TVNZ 2  TVNZ 2  tvnz2.freeviewnz.tv
Three   Three   three.freeviewnz.tv
Bravo   Bravo   bravo.freeviewnz.tv
Whakaata Maori  Whakaata Maori  maori-tv.freeviewnz.tv
TVNZ 2 +1       TVNZ 2 +1       tvnz2-plus1.freeviewnz.tv
TVNZ 1 +1       TVNZ 1 +1       tvnz1-plus1.freeviewnz.tv
ThreePlus1      ThreePlus1      three-plus1.freeviewnz.tv
Sky Open        Sky Open        skyopen.freeviewnz.tv
Parliament      Parliament      parliament.freeviewnz.tv
ChineseTV       ChineseTV       chinesetv.freeviewnz.tv
Radio NZ National       Radio NZ National rnz-national.freeviewnz.tv
Radio NZ Concert        Radio NZ Concert rnz-concert.freeviewnz.tv
BaseFM  BaseFM  basefm.freeviewnz.tv
Bravo PLUS 1    Bravo PLUS 1    bravo-plus1.freeviewnz.tv
Firstlight      Firstlight      firstlight.freeviewnz.tv
Shine TV        Shine TV        shine.freeviewnz.tv
TVNZ DUKE       TVNZ DUKE       tvnz-duke.freeviewnz.tv
C33     C33     c33.freeviewnz.tv
Te Reo  Te Reo  te-reo.freeviewnz.tv
Al Jazeera      Al Jazeera      aljazeera.freeviewnz.tv
HGTV    HGTV    hgtv.freeviewnz.tv
Hope Channel    Hope Channel    hope-channel.freeviewnz.tv
TVNZ DUKE+1     TVNZ DUKE+1     tvnz-duke-plus1.freeviewnz.tv
CH200   CH200   ch200.freeviewnz.tv
Rush    Rush    rush.freeviewnz.tv
eden    eden    eden.freeviewnz.tv
eden+1  eden+1  eden-plus1.freeviewnz.tv
INFO CHANNEL    INFO CHANNEL    info-channel.freeviewnz.tv

Then later the channel names in the EPG data are:

Extracting EPG info

--- Channel Names ---
Bravo Plus 1
Parliament TV
Southern TV
Al Jazeera
RadioNZ National
Wairarapa TV
Hope Channel
Whakaata Maori
Te Reo
RadioNZ Concert
Shine TV
Television Hawke's Bay
TVNZ 1 +1
TVNZ 2 +1

And then the matching is done:

Matching MHEG channels to MythTV channels using map file
"INFO CHANNEL" matched to MythTV xmltv ID "info-channel.freeviewnz.tv"
"Whakaata Maori" matched to MythTV xmltv ID "maori-tv.freeviewnz.tv"
"PRIME" matched to MythTV xmltv ID "skyopen.freeviewnz.tv"

Fuzzy matching MHEG channels to MythTV channels
"Firstlight" matched to MythTV xmltv ID "firstlight.freeviewnz.tv"
"Hope Channel" matched to MythTV xmltv ID "hope-channel.freeviewnz.tv"
"ThreePlus1" matched to MythTV xmltv ID "three-plus1.freeviewnz.tv"
"Al Jazeera" matched to MythTV xmltv ID "aljazeera.freeviewnz.tv"
"Bravo Plus 1" matched to MythTV xmltv ID "bravo-plus1.freeviewnz.tv"
"Shine TV" matched to MythTV xmltv ID "shine.freeviewnz.tv"
"TVNZ DUKE" matched to MythTV xmltv ID "tvnz-duke.freeviewnz.tv"
"RadioNZ National" matched to MythTV xmltv ID
"BaseFM" matched to MythTV xmltv ID "basefm.freeviewnz.tv"
"ChineseTV8" matched to MythTV xmltv ID "chinesetv.freeviewnz.tv"
"RadioNZ Concert" matched to MythTV xmltv ID
"Bravo" matched to MythTV xmltv ID "bravo.freeviewnz.tv"
"CH200" matched to MythTV xmltv ID "ch200.freeviewnz.tv"
"Three" matched to MythTV xmltv ID "three.freeviewnz.tv"
"TVNZ 1" matched to MythTV xmltv ID "tvnz1.freeviewnz.tv"
"TVNZ 2" matched to MythTV xmltv ID "tvnz2.freeviewnz.tv"
"Parliament TV" matched to MythTV xmltv ID "parliament.freeviewnz.tv"
"Te Reo" matched to MythTV xmltv ID "te-reo.freeviewnz.tv"
"eden" matched to MythTV xmltv ID "eden.freeviewnz.tv"
"HGTV" matched to MythTV xmltv ID "hgtv.freeviewnz.tv"
"Rush" matched to MythTV xmltv ID "rush.freeviewnz.tv"
"TVNZ 1 +1" matched to MythTV xmltv ID "tvnz1-plus1.freeviewnz.tv"
"TVNZ 2 +1" matched to MythTV xmltv ID "tvnz2-plus1.freeviewnz.tv"
"TVNZ DUKE +1" matched to MythTV xmltv ID
"eden+1" matched to MythTV xmltv ID "eden-plus1.freeviewnz.tv"
"C33" matched to MythTV xmltv ID "c33.freeviewnz.tv"

As you can see, the EPG data is still using PRIME as the channel name
for Sky Open.  So I have these lines in my channel mapping table file:

INFO CHANNEL    info-channel.freeviewnz.tv
Whakaata Maori  maori-tv.freeviewnz.tv
PRIME   skyopen.freeviewnz.tv

The last one maps PRIME to skyopen.freeviewnz.tv, which is what I have
in the channel table in the database for the Sky Open channel xmltvid.
And in my FreeviewHD.xmltv file, I have a line:


that permits the grabber to use the skyopen.freeviewnz.tv data.

If your "--- Channel Names ---" listing does not include PRIME, then
it would appear that your EPG data is missing that channel for some
reason.  If that is the problem, try changing the multiplex that
mhegepgsnoop is getting the EPG data from.  That is the "-t 5" option
on the mhegepgsnoop command line in the do_mhegepgsnoop.sh file.  When
I look at mine, I have changed it to "-t 1" some time ago, so I will
be getting the EPG data from the TVNZ mux.  Using "-t 5" gets the EPG
data from the Maori mux.

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