[mythtvnz] No EPG, what am i doing wrong

Curtis Walker sultanoswing at gmail.com
Sat Apr 9 09:00:31 BST 2022

Almost success!

I updated the xmltv ID's in mythtv-setup's channel editor - you were
right - several were missing / out of date. I used your 'source1.txt'
as a reference.

I then managed to get mhegepgsnoop.py working - turned out I didn't
have my sql database password correct (sigh).

A "tvguide.xml" file was generated, and successfully imported all data
into mythtv's guide with mythfilldatabase - yay!

The next piece was using do_mhegepgsnoop2.sh to run processing with

Running do_mhegepgsnoop2.sh, I get a 'listings-mheg5.xml.gz' file in
'/var/www/html/epg', but as it's been gzipped, the script fails with
"chmod: cannot access '/var/www/html/epg/listings-mheg5.xml': No such
file or directory".

I see the do_mhegepgsnoop2. sh script runs 'gzip $OUTPUT_FILE'. If I
comment out this line, it appears to run, finishing with "Running
xmltv-proc-nz on the MHEG5 data", but then it leaves the
'listings-mheg5.xml file unzipped, which is fine, because
mythfilldatabase can use that as its source file directly.

Thanks Stephen!

On Fri, 8 Apr 2022 at 15:29, Stephen Worthington
<stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz> wrote:
> On Fri, 8 Apr 2022 10:54:54 +1200, you wrote:
> >Good to see activity for the NZ MythTV group after such a long time.
> >
> >Having somewhat resurrected my MythTV box after not using it for a
> >while (now updated to v.32/fixes, under Arch linux), I'm having
> >trouble with EPG data like others. Trouble is, it's been so many years
> >since I first set all this up, I've forgotten where all of the config
> >files and scripts are!
> >
> >So far, I've started fresh, deleting my old channels, and doing a full
> >re-scan, which found all the new channels, such as Eden. I can watch
> >Live TV fine. They've all got xmltv ID's (tv1.freeviewnz.tv etc).
> >
> >Downloading from epg.org.nz and using it with mythfilldatabase, I have
> >7 days programme guide data for M?ori TV, PRIME, Duke on 12, Eden+1,
> >Te Reo and all the 'minor' channels (18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 31, 33, RNZ).
> >
> >However, there is no data for TVNZ 1, TVNZ 2, TV 3, Bravo, Duke on
> >channel 6, TV2+1, Eden, Bravo plus 1, TV1+1, Three+1 or Rush.
> >
> >I've fiddled with EIT and tv_grab_nz-py stuff as well, but no data.
> >
> >My old shell script to update the database doesn't work either:
> >#! /bin/bash
> >wget http://epg.org.nz/freeview.xml.gz
> >gunzip freeview.xml.gz
> >mythfilldatabase --file --sourceid 1 --xmlfile freeview.xml
> >rm freeview.xml
> >exit
> >
> >I'm sure this is some config error. Eventually got mhegepgsnoop.py
> >(0.71) running (after realising I needed a tuner open and running),
> >but the resultant xml file is empty.
> >
> >Confused!
> The xmltvid values in your database have to be the same as the ones in
> the downloaded EPG.  The names of the channels will have changed since
> you were last using MythTV.  All the TVNZ channels changed several
> years ago - TV1 became TVNZ 1 and so on.  TV3 also became THREE.  But
> the epg.org.nz data still uses the old xmltvid values, so as not to
> cause problems for the downloaders.  It did update the channel name
> values.  But it did not get updated for the recent channel changes and
> does not have any of the new channels in it.  I think you will find
> that eden+1 is getting EPG via EIT scanning, as it is a completely new
> channel.  The eden channel did exist before as Choice TV and your new
> channel scan probably reused that channel and it did not get set up to
> use EIT, but eden+1 did not match any existing channel and I am
> guessing that means it got default settings that included having EIT
> scanning enabled.
> So, it is not possible to use the epg.org.nz data any more if you want
> data for all the channels, including the new ones.  The best option
> now for everyone is to use mhegepgsnoop to get the official MHEG5 EPG
> data, run xmltv-proc-nz on that data (as epg.org.nz does) and then run
> mythfilldatabase on the result.  Hence why I have posted about how I
> do that.  Mhegepgsnoop will use whatever xmltvid values you have in
> your database for the channels, but you do have to ensure that each
> channel has a distinct xmltvid, so you will need to add new xmltvids
> for the new channels in the channel editor.  Since you are not using
> tv_grab_nz-py, you do not need to also adjust your
> $(HOME)/.mythtv/<sourcename>.xmltv file for the new xmltvids as you do
> not have that file.
> So you will want to take a look at the do_mhegepgsnoop2.sh file on my
> web server and change the shell script that currently does the
> downloading from epg.org.nz to something like what is in
> do_mhegepgsnoop2.sh, but retain the mythfilldatabase lines, adjusted
> for the correct new file name.  I presume that script is already being
> run daily by a cron job.  You should take a look at the settings for
> the use of your DVB-T tuners and see what order they are used in
> (controlled by the recpriority and schedorder fields in the
> capturecard table), then select the least used one as the one the
> script uses to run mhegepgsnoop on.
> And you will need to figure out why mhegepgsnoop.py is not working
> first, of course.  If you use its verbose option (-v) and take a look
> at the output, it should tell you what the problem is.  It does not
> need a channel running in order to work - it has options to directly
> control a tuner and start the tuner itself.  But if a tuner is already
> running (in MythTV or because you used dvbtune or a similar program to
> start it), it will reuse the same tuner, unless the program already
> using it has locked the tuner.  Fortunately, MythTV does not lock the
> tuners (or it did not last time I checked, many versions ago).
> I have not wanted to post a full step by step guide for how to do all
> this as my EPG collection is more complicated as I also record from
> Sky using my DVB-S2 tuners and have to collect Sky EPG as well.  That
> means I could not properly test any step by step guide on my own
> system.  I could set up a virtual PC with Ubuntu and give it a SAT>IP
> DVB-T tuner and use that to work out step by step instructions for how
> to do it on a new system, if there is need for that.
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