[mythtvnz] invalid epg data

Mark van Dijk mark.van.dijk.74 at gmail.com
Sun May 17 10:50:04 BST 2020

hi guys - my machine ran out of epg data today.  I use tv_grab_nz-py.
Investigation  shows that the XMLTV data downloaded is not quite valid.
mythfillldatabase was reporting malformed XML - premature end-of-file.  The
issue is that many of the <programme> entries contain  the following:
        <audio>dolby digital</audio>

However this should instead be:
        <stereo>dolby digital</stereo>
I've fixed it for now by adding the following line to:

res = res.replace('<audio>dolby digital</audio>', '<stereo>dolby

Line is added inside the 'getListings' function - right before the 'return
res' line.

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