[mythtvnz] VNC problem after ugrade to Ubuntu 10.04.1

Robert Fisher robert at fisher.net.nz
Tue Sep 4 09:11:49 BST 2018

I recently "upgraded" from 16.04 to 18.04.1

My backend normally runs "headless" and to use mythtv-setup I ran a 
remote session and VNC but after the upgrade *x11vnc* did not work well 
so I tried *vnc4server* but eventually settled on *tightvncserver*

Now I have (at least) two problems with my remote sessions which I don't 
have when I use a screen, keyboard and mouse connected to the server:-

*Software-updater* gives a message "You are not allowed to perform this 

This is not a major problem because I usually update via ssh and a terminal.

The other problem which I would like a fix for is that when I run 
mythtv-setup via the VNC session it opens OK and I can use my (remote) 
mouse OK but the keyboard does not work properly (arrow keys and esc key 
seem non-responsive)

Do any list members have any suggestions to overcome these niggles?


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