[mythtvnz] Xorg and Intel HD 630 graphics -- please help!

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Mon Sep 3 03:29:54 BST 2018

On Sat, 1 Sep 2018 14:27:25 +1200, you wrote:

>I've just changed CPU and motherboard for my MythTV machine, and having no
>luck at getting it to output a video signal to the TV.  Anyone else have a
>similar set-up to this?
>OS is Linux, an Ubuntu derivative.
>The graphics card used to happily drive two outputs. I use the DVI output
>for console, and the HDMI for the TV.  The old setup was an Asus GT 430
>graphics card and it worked fine; with the new Intel HD 630 built-in one
>I can only get it to set up one Xorg screen (or none!)
>The "Xorg -configure" command fails, complaining about "no devices".
>All my attempts at a manual Xorg.conf file produce either a working console,
>with no TV output, or nothing at all (hangs during start-up)
>We've had no TV to watch for several days, and SWMBO is not very pleased!   :)

Some good news for the future - one of the devs has just done support
for VAAPI2, which should provide proper support for hardware
deinterlacing using modern Intel GPUs.  It should be available in v30
when it is released.

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