[mythtvnz] mythtv-status

Austin Green austin.green at orcon.net.nz
Wed Sep 7 03:50:42 BST 2016

On Wed, 7 Sep 2016 06:09:18 +1200
skooobie doo <skooobie at gmail.com> wrote:
> It should also show the tuners as *idle* when not recording. But maybe this
> functionality was removed between your version and my slightly newer
> version.
> On 6/09/2016 21:42, "Austin Green" <austin.green at orcon.net.nz> wrote:
> > On Tue, 6 Sep 2016 17:23:20 +1200
> > skooobie doo <skooobie at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > Anyone use the mythtv-status command-line program? I use this a lot but
> > > have noticed it is no longer populating some of the info that should be
> > > there. Is this the same for those of you who use the program?
> >
> > Works for me:
> >
> >         $ mythtv-status
> >
> >         MythTV status for localhost
> >         ===========================
> >         Status..........: 2016-09-06 21:34:23
> >         Total Disk Space: Total space is 2,047.2 GB, with 1,822.1 GB used
> > (89.0%)
> >
> >         Encoders:
> >         alcatraz (1) - Recording
> >         alcatraz (6) - Recording
> >
> >         Recording Now:
> >         Game Of Thrones (Prime) Ends: 22:45:00
> >         The Hard Stuff With Nigel Latta (TV ONE) Ends: 21:30:00
> >
> >         Scheduled Recordings:
> >         ...
> >
> > OS is Trisquel Belenos, which is derived I believe from Ubuntu Trusty.
> > MythTV Version : v0.27-193-g8ee257c
> > mythtv-status, version 0.10.4.
> >
> > Austin.

Mine too shows no encoders at all when no recording is happening; I guess we are supposed to deduce the idle status from that.  :)

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