[mythtvnz] New install setup - recording problem

Paulgir paulgir at gmail.com
Wed Aug 3 23:27:12 BST 2016

>> I did delete all tuners etc. via the BE setup prior to issuing the mysql
>> truncate commands.
>> I did do the    drop database mythconverg;   source
>> /usr/share/mythtv/sql/mc.sql
>> And that did not help but I may have repeated the original error.
>> I agree that your process for a new install is preferable to my  
>> immediate
>> restore of an old db.I will follow that after I pursue one more lead  
>> that
>> has shown up.
>> Cheers
> If the HDHRs are still not working, you could install Wireshark and
> capture all the traffic to them from MythTV.  That might give us some
> clues as to what the problem is.  And do a separate capture of the
> traffic when they work using their setup tools or me-tv, for
> comparison purposes.

I'm just checking the functionality of my tuners again because it appears  
that in MeTV I get an error if I select /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0 on  
both the 12.04 and 16.04 installs.
These are the MeTV messages:

04/08/16 09:52:26: Not currently displaying 'TV ONE'
04/08/16 09:52:26: Exception: Failed to get available frontend
4/08/16 09:51:25: Exception: Frontend read failed  
(/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0): Value too large for defined data type

Also, I have a bug in 12.04 that won't let me switch sources in live TV  
(HDHR or PCIe card tuners).The system locks up.
So what I did to check if the Card tuner wasn't half dead was to reduce  
the number of tuners per device to 1 and record 4 programs from the 3  
MUXs.The tuners did all 4 successfully. Therefore I assume the 2 tuners in  
the card are ok as are the 2 in the HDHR.
Is my logic correct?


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