[mythtvnz] Problems with backend and mythweb after upgrading to Ubuntu 15.04

criggie criggie at criggie.org.nz
Fri Oct 30 20:46:23 GMT 2015

On 30/10/15 23:03, Stephen Worthington wrote:
> But separate PCs increases your power bill and takes up more of your 
> house. And an extra PC is going to cost $$$ to buy and then more $ 
> every few years to update.

Fair call - so you have no more than one of anything in your house?

And the value of a server that serves as expected all the time far 
outweighs the power cost.

If you're serious about the power cost, look at a virtualisation 
environment like KVM where the hosts are separate, but you can still 
allocate your tuner cards to one stable VM.

criggie at thionite:~/Downloads$ ruptime
mythbackend   up  427+11:07,     0 users,  load 0.05, 0.17, 0.25 Backend
caffeine      up  112+00:14,     0 users,  load 3.04, 3.00, 2.52    GP 
linux server
thionite      up   29+11:56,     0 users,  load 0.78, 1.23, 1.29    Desktop
tv2           up  249+02:04,     0 users,  load 0.38, 0.50, 0.50    Frontend



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