[mythtvnz] Need some help with new install of mythtv

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Fri Jan 2 02:21:43 GMT 2015

On Thu, 1 Jan 2015 22:38:22 +0000 (UTC), you wrote:

>In Ubuntu 14.04, the correct way to start mythbackend is:
>  sudo start mythtv-backend
>(or just "start mythtv-backend" from a root prompt).
>SV >> just tried sudo start mythtv-backend            terminal replies with:
>            mythtv-backend start/running, process 3220
>            but if I ps -ae |grep myth i can see that mythbackend is not running            also if I ps -ae there is no preocess 3220 
>Upstart jobs are controlled from files in /etc/init.  In this case,
>the file you need to look at is:
>  /etc/init/mythtv-backend
>SV>>this file does not exist in my install

Oops, typo.  The file is /etc/init/mythtv-backend.conf.

>and unless you have made any changes to things, it should
>automatically start on boot, as do all the Upstart jobs in /etc/init.
>All the setup for MythTV should just work in Mythbuntu 14.04 and it
>normally does, unless your networking setup is non-standard (like
>mine).  So you should take a look at the log file:
>  /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log
>SV>> this is likely the problem 
>            Jan  2 11:23:12 MythBE mythbackend: mythbackend[3566]: E CoreContext mythdbcon.cpp:216 (OpenDatabase) Unable to connect to database!
>            Jan  2 11:23:12 MythBE mythbackend: mythbackend[3566]: E CoreContext mythdbcon.cpp:217 (OpenDatabase) Driver error was [1/1045]:#012QMYSQL: Unable to             connect#012Database error was:#012Access denied for user 'mythtv'@'localhost' (using password: YES)        
>SV>> when i first installed mythtv I couldn't get qccess to the database so I used the following instructions to reset the mythconverg password.mysql -u root -p
>set password for 'mythtv'@'%' = password('mythtv');
>set password for 'mythtv'@'localhost' = password('mythtv');
>connect mythconverg;
>grant all privileges on *.* to 'mythtv'@'%' with grant option;
>grant all privileges on *.* to 'mythtv'@'localhost' with grant option;
>flush privileges;
>I then changed the password in mythtv backend setup, but I didn't change it in the file /home/mythtv/.mythtv/config.xml.
>Now that I have edited /home/mythtv/.mythtv/config.xml the backend is starting on boot. 
>and see if there is anything there to tell you why it does not run on
>boot or with a "start mythtv-backend" command.  Permissions or
>networking problems seem the most likely things.
>Also, did you edit the /etc/mythtv/config.xml file to put in the
>correct database password that matches your restored database?  In
>your old setup, that may still be in the /etc/config.txt file, but in
>later MythTV versions, it has all moved into config.xml.
>SV>> Thanks for your help..

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