[mythtvnz] recommendations for front end...

Steve Holdoway steve at greengecko.co.nz
Thu Jan 1 03:42:32 GMT 2015

Hi folks, and happy new year!

I've been trying out a cubietruck to display local content, but it's
just not grunty enough ( unless you know better! ) for much HD, which is
a shame as it looked like just what I wanted.

Any suggestions for a better solution? I'm looking at possibly a
Gigabyte BRIX, but not sure what extra I'd need to buy, and whether it
runs linux ( it should! ). I have an older 2.5" 120GB SSD to go in -
will it fit?, but do I need a graphics card as well?


Steve Holdoway BSc(Hons) MIITP
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/steveholdoway
Skype: sholdowa

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