[mythtvnz] Background images in Recorded Programmes in front end

Don Robertson don at robertson.net.nz
Mon Oct 20 21:26:29 BST 2014

Hi - just wondering if anyone knows how to get rid of the background images 
when looking at the recorded programmes in the front end. Some recordings get 
these images, others don't. 

It is annoying - makes the text hard to read, and is often from a different 
programme. Castle, for example, gets a picture from the movie The Castle. 
Sometimes one episode will get an image and the others won't.

I've gone through the settings, but I don't see anything that makes a 
difference. I can't see how to delete them either.

I am using the Mythcenter and Mythcenter wide themes, and am on Myth 0.27 on 
the older Mythbuntu - not the latest release. Still to upgrade ... but it 
ain't broke ...

Any ideas?

Don Robertson
021 294 1452
don at robertson.net.nz

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